IIFL Mutual Funds. Our mutual fund offerings are uniquely structured and positioned as leaders in their respective niche areas. Concentrated picks and the freedom from benchmarking constraints have helped us generate significant alpha for our investors.


Service Providers

Registrar & custodian

Statutory Auditors of Schemes of 360 ONE Mutual Fund:

Price Waterhouse Chartered Accountants LLP
252, Veer Savarkar Marg,
Shivaji Park,
Dadar (West),
Mumbai 400028, India.

Professional Clearing Member (PCM) – for Futures & Option Trades:

HDFC Bank Limited has been appointed as the clearing member for the F&O Segment of the Schemes of IIFL Mutual Fund. HDFC Bank Ltd. undertakes the clearing and settlement of trades done by 360 ONE Mutual Fund (formerly known as IIFL Mutual Fund) through a trading member or trading members subject to the provisions contained in the Rules, Bye Laws and regulations of Futures and Options Segment of National Securities Clearing Corporation Ltd (NSCCL) and the terms and conditions contained in the agreement between IIFL Mutual Fund & the PCM. The AMC reserves the right to change the PCM at its discretion.